Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Favourite Apps!

Megan and I both wanted to do a favourite apps blog post so I decided to start, she'll probably do the same later. These are all available for android(my phone) and I don't know but probably for apple devices unless otherwise mentioned. We didn't include facebook, twitter, and mail since those are obvious. Also I was kinda thinking, should we do OOTDs or what nail polish I'm wearing or some consistent update like those at the end of every post? Would you guys like that or just not even read it? Any ideas for what'd you'd like to see from this blog or tips? Thanks and I hope this helps if your looking for some cool apps!

1) Instagram- a photo sharing app that is super easy to use. I love it, it's so fun! Not available yet for android. :(
2) Doubletwist- I use this to convert my iTunes music onto my android phone. It's really simple and I love being able to listen to music on my phone. This is an android app.
3) Get Glue- Use this app for checking in if you're watching movies or tv, reading, or pretty much anything and you earn stickers, which you can order free physical copies of.
4) Blogger- easy to use, available on most devices and makes it easy to blog on the go.
5) Adobe Photoshop Express- easiest photo editing app I've found. Pretty simple though.
6)Shazam- every listen to a song and then have no clue what it's called? Let Shazam listen and it'll tell you what song! It's magic.
7) Bump- share files, contacts, photos and music samples between devices simply by bumping them together.
8) Monkey Swing- Game by Donut Games, It's really fun and simple. Cool spin on Angry Birds.
9) Words with Friends- Like scrabble, but easier. Me and Megan have a game on. :)
10) Hair Makeover- Take a picture of someone, then give them different hairdos. It's funny.

Let me know your favourites in a comment below! Thanks for reading this!